Born 11.08.2008

A single mother, she does not work as caring for infant.

They occupies a room 17 square. pm in a two-bedroom apartment. At the moment of the housing is off for nonpayment of electricity. The mom listed debt for utilities, which is subtracted from the child benefits.

The apartment contains all the necessary amenities. Sanitary condition of housing is satisfactory. Furniture is not a lot, modest furnishings. Out of home appliances have an old refrigerator and TV. The baby sleeps with his mother.

The baby is healthy, is currently at home with his mother.

According to his mother's family is experiencing financial difficulties. Her account arrested for failure to pay for utilities. At the moment it does not receive any maternity pay. The family lives on the means which give relatives. Great-grandmother helps a little money, and vegetables from the garden. The girl's mother died and his father had been deprived of parental rights. At the moment the mother can not go to work, because no one with whom to leave the child.

We can conclude that the family is currently poor, trapped in a difficult situation because the mother can not yet meet the needs of their families and therefore in need of financial assistance