Beautiful day for a Baptism

Mom, Jerry, and Tanisha
 going to the river.

Stefan, really, it's not that cold!

Don, that's not entirely true!!

OK, this looks deep enough for me.

Amazing grace, how sweet it is...

Takes your breath away!


Family waiting to celebrate!

Oct 9th - Voronezh Day Three
In 2001, Stefan carried in chemo to children at the Voronezh Children's Hospital.  This trip we learned the teenager who received the first dose of chemo was alive and well.  From a trip of smuggling chemo, that could have caused his imprisonment, to the tragic 911 trip of last year, where he purposed in his heart to marry Tanisha, to a trip where he learned of a life saving results, Stefan's love for Voronezh was rewarded with his Baptism in the frigid waters of the Voronezh River.  It was only fitting that Tanisha was here on this day, as his bride, to witness his Baptism.  Pastor Don Crane heroically waded into waist deep water, dragging Stefan who wanted to stop in knee deep water, where he performed the rites of water Baptism.  It took less time to get out of the water than it did to get into it.  The team cheered and cried as they sang and praised the Lord while watching from the shore.

Click Here to view Stefan's Story "Father, blind seeing eyes!"